We love our four-legged family members! Our goal is to help educate and share knowledge and information to our fellow pup parents. Just like people, health and wellness are two extremely important topics for dogs (and other animals!) – and there are many ways we can help them live a healthier, happier life. Animals do so much for us, and most of the time we go through most of our days without giving it a second thought. We receive daily unconditional love and support from these little creatures, and for the most part all they ask for in return is two or three bowls of the same brown pellets and water. I guess what we’re getting at is that our dogs are obviously angels and not of this world – so let’s treat them as such.

We sincerely hope you like the site, and hopefully you’ll stumble across some useful tidbit that will have that tail wagging. If there’s information you’d like to share with us, our ears are up and open, so don’t hesitate to reach out! We love honest feedback, comments, or just notes to say hello!