Did you know? 15 interesting facts about our furry friends…

Did you know? 15 interesting facts about our furry friends…
  1. Spiked Collars were created in ancient Greece to protect pups throats from attacks by wolves. 
  2. Recent studies have shown that dogs may not have evolved from Gray Wolves, but rather share the same prehistoric ancestor as the wolves.
  3. The first dog was believed to live 31,700 years ago.
  4. Labradors have remained the most popular breed of dog in the US for the last 26 years.
  5. Dogs can be trained to detect cancer or cancerous cells in humans.
  6. There are (approximately) 600 million dogs in the world.
  7. Of the 600 million dogs, an estimated 400 million are strays.
  8. Dogs who are fixed live longer.
  9. Over half of United States presidents have owned dogs.
  10.  A dogs sense of smell isn’t just MUCH better than ours – it’s 100,000 times better.
  11. The Saluki is the worlds oldest dog breed.
  12.  Scientific studies have shown that dogs do in-fact have a sense of time.
  13.  Puppies have 28 teeth, and normal adult dogs have 42.
  14.  Dalmatians are born completely white. Their spots develop with age.
  15.  A dog’s normal temperature is between 101 and 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit.